Body Treatments
What is Ultrasound Cavitation?
Ultrasound Cavitation is a relatively new aesthetic treatment. Using leading edge technology it converts fat cells into liquid which can then be naturally drained by the body’s own natural filtration system. Generally one fat cavitation treatment lasts 25 – 30 minutes where a single part of the body is treated. 72 hours must pass between each session so that the body can eliminate the fat. The minimum suggested number of fat cavitation sessions is between 6 and 10.
Number of treatments and treatment frequency for each area?
Ultrasound Cavitation: 6–10 treatments spaced 1-2 weeks apart per specific area
Advantages over other treatments:
Preparation before each treatment:
How many sessions do I need and how often can I come?
The treatment will usually show an immediate change. We recommend one session per week and not less than 3 to 12 sessions depending on the individual’s desired results. A typical session lasts a maximum of 40 to 50 minutes (20 minutes of ultrasound cavitation and 20 minutes of RF) depending on the patient and the area treated. The interval between each session on average is a week.
After the initial treatments are completed, maintenance treatments consist of 1 session each month for 4 months followed by one treatment every 4 months.
Warning: DO NOT start this treatment under the following circumstances:
During menstruation (do not apply to abdomen), pregnant or breastfeeding, infections and diseases of the, high or unbalanced cholesterol, thyroid disease and other hormonal disorders, any chronic diseases, immune diseases, heart disease or pacemakers, autoimmune diseases, HIV or AIDS, cancer in any form at any time, severe high blood pressure or circulation problems, liver or kidney disease, treatment with anti-inflammatory, anticoagulants, antibiotics, or you are under the age of 18.